Saturday, July 10, 2010

Learn German Now V8.0 + Excersices Audio

Learn German Now V8.0 + Excersices Audio | 356MB

GermanNow gives you the opportunity to develop all 4 language skills. As you learn to speak German, you'll also learn to listen, read and write.Use all the possibilities, tests, drills and other tools to enhance their level of knowledge, or Focus on one aspect of language learning, depending on your level of training.
Easy to develop your communication skills.
GermanNow! You take part in a real dialogue with native speakers. You will hear how to pronounce the words, learn the meanings of words, you hear yourself in conversation and be able to check your spelling.

Ideal for both beginners and continuing.
GermanNow! From the very first and basic skills to mastery of language, all this - hereFundamental German Survival Phrases For beginners or continuing Fundamental German and Survival Phrases - front path. Games, tools for the study of grammar and vocabulary provides a solid foundation to your knowledge.

The proven effectiveness.
LanguageNow. - Is a unique method, which leads to a full understanding of the German languageThat is why it is used in more than 10 000 educational institutions Language Now! Independent studies have shown that LanguageNow! - A unique multimedia approach that proves to be effective and works better than the books, audio recordings and even methods of "classroom"Try this course!
You are amazed that we have done with the process of teaching foreign languages.



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